agosto 31, 2013



- Múltiples matices de la imagen: historia, arte y percepción. Coord. Rebeca Monroy


- Entrevista a Antonin Kratochvil (Vogue Italy). Uno de los primeros fotógrafos en introducir una estética autoral al fotoperiodismo.

- Why Annie Lebovitz is wrong about state of photography. Flavorwire

- Varial and Nadjari. Área visual

- The Steve McCurry untold picture gallery. (Entrevista) Phaidon


- Meta-narrative: Fred Ritchin on the future of photojournalism. BJP

- Dominic Nahr´s eerie photos from conflict zones and disaster areas. Vice

- Shooting the messengers. CQ Magazine

- War as art through camera lens. Boston Globe

- Can photojournalism survive in the instagram era?. Fred Ritchin. Mother Jones

- War photography, war pornography - must we see blood to understand conflict? (Trust)

- Survival tips for the aspiring conflict photographers. Photo Shelter

Reportajes - América Latina:

- Amazons, through an anthropologist´s eye. (Lens New York Times) Fotografías: Nicolas Janowsky.

- Access denied. Zreportage (Mexicanos a la espera de la deportación) Fotografías: Will Seberger

North via South: Life en the Altiplano. Fotografías: Magda Biernat e Ian Webster. Newyorker

- Bolivia´s isolated Mennonite community. (CNN Photo blog). Fotografías: Jordi Ruiz Cirera

- Shamanism looms high in the Andes (CNN Photo blog). Fotografías: Juan Manuel Castro Prieto

- Bodies and souls. (Comunidad travesti en Río). (Burn magazine). Fotografías: Ana Carolina Fernandes

- Wrecking homes for an Olympic highway in Rio (CNN Photo blog). Fotografías: Lianne Milton